
Spirit halloween mean ol gramps
Spirit halloween mean ol gramps

Carter, I'm a Nut, It's a Gas, Hit me Baby, Break Dawg, Old Sow Song, Metal Head, Hot Rocks Polka, You Turn me on, Grizzly Bear, Hot Rod Lincoln, Spam, Wappin, Barbecue Spuds McKenzie, Adam West Aug 27, 1989 IAN WHITCOMB INTERVIEW: Either Way it's Fine with me, Don't Burn that Flag, Sgt. Bumblebee, Ouch, I'm the Urban Spaceman, When I'm Cleaning Windows, Lily the Pink, Disco Sucks, Her Majesty Aug 5, 1979 IAN WHITCOMB CO-HOST: Mad Dogs & Englishmen, Laughing Policeman, Ying Tong Song, Pet Shop, My Old Man's a Dust Man, L.S. (in honor of all the cars they won't make any more). Other topics include smells (good and bad) and the Ford Motor Co. I WANT 1818: Here's Part 2 of our exploration of the world of human desire - in other words, two dozen "I Want"/"I Wanna"/"I Wish"-type songs. I WANT 1808: No matter how much we have, there are always things that we want.food, clothing, a new duck, to be something we're not, to be loved.and those wants have inspired a lot of songs! We'll hear some this week, along with the Top Ten for February.

Spirit halloween mean ol gramps plus#

While there are some things almost all of us want.food, water, shelter, world peace.other people's desires are downright peculiar.and many of them are chronicled in these songs, which get so greedy they almost take over the whole show! Still more of these in the bonus tracks, plus a rare novelty single by the late Arnold Stang. I WANT 1002: This week we feature songs with "I Want" in the title, along with their close cousins, the "Gimme" songs. Jaws, Hut Sut Song, October in Oxnard, Autumn in New York, Funniest Song in the World, Beepers & Beer, Dragnet Goes to Kindergarten, Time Warp, My Dead Dog Rover Feb 11, 1979 I Love Me, Drowning in the Surf, Cowboy Needs a Horse, Truth about Cowboys, Old Man Atom, Who Cares Anyhow, Marie Provost, Mr. I Like Beer, Skinny Dipping, I Want to be a Lifeguard, Uncle Hiram's Homemade Beer, Jack You're Dead, Cupcakes, Big Eyed Beans from Venus, Super Duper Man, Get a Load of This, Brush up your Shakespeare, Rodeo Song, John Birch Society, Space Invaders, It's Still Billy Joel to me Aug 9, 1981 I Just go Nuts at Christmas, Little Orley and the Bubblegum, Impossible, Ballad of Walter Wart, Smokey the Bear, Streaking USA, John & Marsha, I Never Harmed an Onion, Little Black Egg, Snoopy for President, Floating Kidney Waltz, Convoy G.B., Shaving Cream Sep 12, 1976 I Hate When That Happens, Mayberry Beret, Buckwheat Toupee, Hamster Love, Deep in the Heart of Jersey, I'm Tough, Roast Chicken Faces, You Were Speeding, Another One Rides the Bus, You Look Marvelous (MONO ONLY) Sep 15, 1985 I Don't Want to Get Drafted, Ode to Gary Coleman, I Won't Grow up, Snore your Blues Away, Skinny Girls, Los Angeles, My Dead Dog Rover, They're Coming to Take me Away, End of the World, Hooray for Captain Spalding, Warm Leatherette, Dead Skunk May 4, 1980 I AM: I'm Bugged at my Old Man, Father of a Boy Named Sue, Spongy Dance, Rippy the Gator, Sorcerer's Stone, I'm in a Star Trek Band, I'm Bad, I'm the Greatest, Thank God I'm a Jewish Boy, I am the Very Model of a Cartoon Individual, I'm Happy, I'm Normal, I am Whale, I am Cow, If I had the Copyright, Harry's Wand Jun 20, 2004 We heard a bunch of those in March, and we'll hear almost 30 more in this show.

spirit halloween mean ol gramps spirit halloween mean ol gramps

The creators of funny songs have sung that in some very colorful and entertaining ways. I AM PART 2 1428: "I am.!" (insert what you are). Note: nothing truly obscene, but the f-word can be heard in "Jaws," "My Apologies" and "Jetpack." Mar 8, 2014 Not an identity crisis, but 26 different funny songs that say "I am" in 26 different ways! We also remember Tim Wilson and Harold Ramis.

spirit halloween mean ol gramps

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spirit halloween mean ol gramps

Our partner site the Demented Music Database Also, while most shows are stereo, a few shows are only available in mono (as indicated). Please be aware that some of the older shows although available in high quality format may have less then stellar sound quality due to the age and quality of the original recording.

Spirit halloween mean ol gramps